Who is it for?
Is Countryside Mobility for me?
Many assume that Countryside Mobility is for those with significant mobility problems who use mobility equipment on a daily basis. In fact, the scheme is used by a very wide range of people.
Countryside Mobility is available for anyone who might struggle with walking at the relevant location. This could be due to a physical constraint that makes walking difficult. Alternatively, walking, in itself may be ok, but a health condition may mean that distances or hills could constrain where you would be able to go.
Whether your situation is a long term condition or temporary (such as a sprained ankle), we hope to provide the freedom to allow you to continue exploring with friends and family.
You don’t need to show proof such as a Blue Badge or explain why you need to use the Tramper.
Safety first
Your safety is a priority for us. Before hiring commences at any of our partner locations we carry out a comprehensive assessment of which routes are suitable and train staff so that they are confident in showing you the Tramper.
As part of the insurance cover that we provide there are some requirements that we need to fulfil to ensure that you and others remain safe:
- You must be at least 14 years old (this is a DVLA requirement due to the category of scooter). There is no upper age limit. We have had users who are 100 years old!
- You must read and be in line with Health and Medical requirements that relate to safe use of the Tramper.
- You agree to the Terms of using the Tramper such as only using the routes that have been audit as suitable.
- You need to successfully complete the short introductory training provided by the friendly staff at our partner location
While the vast majority of people are able to fulfill these safety requirements there are occasions where it is not possible.
We encourage anyone who would like to see whether the Tramper is suitable for them to go to one of our hire locations and try the Tramper. The member of staff or volunteer hiring the scooter has the authority to make the final decision as to whether it will be safe for you to proceed. In the unlikely event that it is not possible, any membership fee paid will naturally be refunded.
Never used a mobility scooter?
No problem!
Most people who use Countryside Mobility have never used a mobility scooter before, often because on a day to day basis they don’t have a need for one. You should find it easy to pick up.
Others may have a mobility scooter but it’s not suitable for the more rugged terrain, steeper gradients or longer distances that are on offer when exploring our partner locations.
We use the same type of all-terrain mobility scooter, called a Tramper, at all of our partner locations. This means that once you have been received short introductory training at your first hire, you’ll always have the same Tramper whichever one of the over 50 locations you visit.
And don’t worry about forgetting how it works. You’ll be offered the option of a quick refresher of how it works each time you hire.
What is a Tramper?
A Tramper is an all terrain mobility scooter specifically designed for off road use. It can manage 25% gradients with ease, drive over rough ground, tree roots, mud and puddles.
The engineering excellence designed into Trampers helped the family based company, Beamer, based in Wilshire win the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Innovation for Outstanding achievement.
Trampers are designed with safety and simplicity in mind so are easy for first time users to enjoy and with a maximum speed of 4mph they will keep pace with the briskest of walking companions.
Despite their robust design, the electric power means they are surprisingly quiet, allowing you to fully appreciate the sounds of beautiful places that you will explore.
Being both extremely capable and leaving a light footprint also means they provide access without the need to change the natural environment.